What is this blog?

A place to post and share your interpretation of Neverending Story characters, creatures, and places! I'll post mine and when you email me at jaredsalmond@gmail.com I'll post your picture under the same post as well! Just make sure to put what creation from the book your art is under the title of the email and I'll put it up! Thanks and Enjoy!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tinies and Racing snail

'He was so small as to be scarcely discernible from that distance. He was one of the tinies, a delicately buily little fellow in a bright colored suit and a top hat...the mount which had evidently carried the tiny all this way was, of all things, a snail. It's pink shell was surmounted by a gleaming silver saddle, and its bridle, as well as the reins fastened to its feelers, glittered like silver threads.'


Rock Chewer

'A giant, who looked as if the whole of him were made of gray stone, lay stretched out on his belly. He was almost ten feet long...his weather-beaten stone face, which seemed strangely small in comparison with the powerful shoulders, his teeth stood out like a row of steel chisels...lived in a mountain range...little by little they were eating it up. Rocks were their only food...'


Night Hob

'No more than twice the size of the will-o'-the-wisp, he looked like a pitch-black, furry caterpillar sitting up. He had little pink hands, with which he gestured violently as he spoke, and below his tousled black hair two big round eyes glowed like moons in what was presumably his face..unusual mount...a large bat...'


Will O the Wisp

'Inside the ball of light there was a small, exceedingly active figure, which ran and jumped with all his might. It was neither male nor female, for such distinctions don't exist among will-o'-the-wisps. In it's right hand it carried a tiny white flag...are incredibly nimble and can change directions in the middle of a leap.'


Bastian Balthazar Bux

'A fat little boy of ten or twelve. His wet, dark-brown hair hung down over his face, his coat was soaked and dripping, and he was carrying a school satchel slung over his shoulder. He was rather pale...round face...a weakling.'

After entering the Book: "...a boy of about his same age; but theis boy was slender and wonderfully handsome. His bearing was proud and erect, his face was noble, manly-and lean. He looked like a young prince from the Orient. HIs turban was of blue silk and so was the silver-embroidered tunic which reached down to his knees. His high boots, made of the softest red leather, were turned up at the toes. And he was wearing a silver-glittering mantle which hung down to the ground. But most beautiful of all were the boy's hands, which, though delicately shaped, gave an impression of unusual strength."
